This will open a pane on the right side of your form.
Click the Design Mode button to finalize.Ĭontinue with any other fields you have in your fillable form.You have a lot of options here, including but not limited to:.Click one of the Content Control buttons to determine what information you want in your field.In the Controls area of your Developer tab, click on the Design Mode button.This will surface all your Developer options. Click the Developer tab in your ribbon.Put your cursor into the first spot where you’ll want users to enter their information.We recommend using a table where the first column will have the template fields, and the second column will be where you want users to enter their responses. The Developer tab will help you to create your form, but also opens many useful options such as advanced protection options and the ability to record macros. When the Word Options window opens, click the Customize Ribbon tab.We also recommend that you track changes at all times, just in case something breaks and you need to fix it later. Protection: Manipulating protection of your form so that users can fill in information without changing the template information.Content controls: The area where you’ll fill in the template information for your form.
You can manipulate and resize them to ensure your final form looks aligned and clean. Tables: Tables are what users will fill in the form.To make a word form that you can reuse and send out again and again, you’ll need to understand a few concepts, including:
#Modify a table google docs mac how to
Rather than relying on paper forms or dealing with scans and pictures, creating a fillable form allows for cleaner, more consistent data.Ĭreating a fillable word form requires a little know-how, but once you know how to do it, it’s a skill that will prove useful in many situations. Did you know that you can use word processors like Word and Google Docs to create a fillable forms? Known as a ‘word form’, fillable forms can be extremely helpful in today’s predominantly virtual environment.